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Our five big
key themes for the
construction site of the future

Key theme ___ 01/05

Digital Laboratory Construction Site

A neutral, manufacturer-independent place where construction processes involving innovative machines and technologies can be developed, tested and experienced. This is what Construction Future Lab offers. The digital laboratory construction site is our test ecosystem for automated and networked machines.





Key theme ___ 02/05

Construction Robotics

While robots are increasingly replacing humans in many industrial sectors and the service sector, the use of robot-assisted production systems in the construction industry has so far been very sporadic.

The construction and fitting out of buildings in particular involves a large amount of manual work.

CFLab is therefore developing innovative mobile construction robotics systems that increase productivity in the construction industry and relieve workers of monotonous, physically strenuous and ergonomically harmful activities.

Key theme ___ 03/05

Additive Construction Processes

In the wake of increases in productivity and efficiency on construction sites, the focus is not only on machine technologies, but also on the digitalization and automation of processes. One such process is concrete construction, which is strongly influenced by 3D concrete printing.





Key theme ___ 04/05

Process Reliability and Workplace Safety

Construction Future Lab is focuses on high-quality and, above all, safe construction. In parallel to our efforts to achieve far-reaching automation and digitalization of construction processes, our goal is to ensure that there are no accidents at work or work-related illnesses on the construction sites of the future (“Vision Zero”).

To this end, we will develop the necessary mechanisms to support the safety of everyone involved in construction.

Alongside workplace safety, process quality plays a crucial role in ensuring that automated construction processes can become established. To this end, process monitoring methods are being developed at CFLab with the aim of ensuring that automated production is qualitatively superior to manual production (“Vision Quality”).

Key theme ___ 05/05

Scalable Design Spaces

What is Construction Future Lab and what can it do for you personally? The cross-cutting theme of scalable design spaces takes a human-centered approach to shaping your own individual vision of CFLab.

We want to have active dialog with you, and present and discuss the findings of our scientific work, but also hear about the perspectives and visions you have gained from practical experience.
